Dario Calomino, Defacing the Past : Damnation and Desecration in Imperial Rome, Londres, 2016.

Dario Calomino, Defacing the Past : Damnation and Desecration in Imperial Rome, Londres, 2016.



Pour ceux qui n’ont pas eu la chance d’aller voir cette superbe petite exposition au British Museum.

Présentation sur le site de l’éditeur :

The accompanying title to the current exhibition, Defacing the past, damnation and desecration in imperial Rome, 13th October 2016, 7 May 2017.

The book discusses a much broader range of examples than those displayed in the exhibition, from Italy and from across the provinces of the Roman Empire. It focuses in great depth the analysis of numismatic materials.

The sample of defaced coins displayed in the exhibition are largely varied and also features inscriptions, sculptures and papyri that show images and symbols of power being subverted in antiquity.

The exhibition discovers Roman History from a different perspective and it displays coins that were defaced, either to condemn the memory of deceased Roman emperors or to undermine the power of living ones.

Le site de l’éditeur : http://www.britishmuseumshoponline.org/invt/cmc27732

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